TYPES 2023
29th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs


TYPES is a major forum for the presentation of research on all aspects of type theory and its applications. TYPES 2023 was held from 12 to 15 June at ETSInf, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. The post-proceedings volume will be published in LIPIcs, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, an open-access series of conference.

Submission Guidelines

Submission is open to everyone, also to those who did not participate in the TYPES 2023 conference. We welcome high-quality descriptions of original work, as well as position papers, overview papers, and system descriptions. Submissions should be written in English, and be original, i.e. neither previously published, nor simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference.

  1. Papers have to be formatted with the current LIPIcs style and adhere to the style requirements of LIPIcs.
  2. The upper limit for the length of submissions is 20 pages for the main text (including appendices, but excluding title-page and bibliography).
  3. Papers have to be submitted as PDF via the EasyChair interface, accessible at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=posttypes23
  4. Authors have the option to attach to their submission a zip or tgz file containing code (formalised proofs or programs), but reviewers are not obliged to take the attachments into account and they will not be published.
  1. Abstract Submission : 31 October 2023 (AoE)
  2. Paper submission: 30 November 2023 (AoE)
  3. Author notification: 31 March 2023
List of Topics

The scope of the post-proceedings is the same as the scope of the conference: the theory and practice of type theory. In particular, we welcome submissions on the following topics:

  1. Foundations of type theory;
  2. Applications of type theory (e.g. linguistics or concurrency);
  3. Constructive mathematics;
  4. Dependently typed programming;
  5. Industrial uses of type theory technology;
  6. Meta-theoretic studies of type systems;
  7. Proof assistants and proof technology;
  8. Automation in computer-assisted reasoning;
  9. Links between type theory and functional programming;
  10. Formalising mathematics using type theory;
  11. Homotopy type theory and univalent mathematics.

Eduardo Hermo Reyes, Formal Vindications, Spain

Benno van den Berg, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Delia Kesner, Université Paris Cité, France


In case of questions, contact EMAIL posttypes23@easychair.org